Smith opera house
Smith opera house

There was also a pulley upstairs over the balcony door to pull up steamer trunks. It had a porch roof over the back extending to the outdoor toilets. The exterior is of stone, and had an awning over the front windows, with a walkway under the balcony. The Bon Ton Hotel was considered "modern" not western. The original Bon Ton Hotel burned in December of 1903. A bronze marker is now affixed at the site to a granite rock on which the port main strut of the crashed B-24 rests. on 19 July 1993.the service was full military ceremony and about 75 people attended, including family members of those deceased. A 50th Anniversary Memorial Service was held at the crash site at 1150 a.m. The B-24 Crash Site is considered a funerary site the crash severity and fire resulted in partial interment of the body of one or more crew members. Remains of the bomber are currently located within a 200 foot diameter area at 9008 feet elevation.Īll ten members of the crew and one passenger, perished in the crash and their bodies were badly burned by the ensuing fire. A small clearing in the forest marks the location of the airplane impact. The B-24 crashed at the site at about 1145 hours on 19 July 1943. The B-24E Crash Site is located near Forest Service Road 742. Legal: Part of Sec 10, T15S, R83W, 6thPM Throughout the summer months jeep tours are scheduled to the Quarry by the Pioneer Museum. Owned for a number of years by Louis Borland and Bill Endner, both deeded the quarry to the Gunnison County Pioneer and Historical Society. Today all that remains of the town is piles of weathered lumber on the ground where buildings once stood. After the quarry closed, a few people continued to live at Aberdeen for a time.

smith opera house smith opera house

The quarry operated from Augto June 15, 1892. To transport the granite to Denver, the D&RG Railroad put in a spur to the quarry.Īberdeen had a Post Office, a population of 149, and a school for four pupils. The granite from the Aberdeen Quarry was said to be of the finest and highest quality of its kind and therefore was selected for the State Capitol building. It is said that he carried out the first sample of the granite on showshoes to be sent to Denver for testing as the potential building material for the Capital building. In March of 1888 the granite was discovered by F.G. Address : 14 miles SW of Gunnison Legal: parts of Sec 4 & 5, T 48N, R1W Current Use: Museum Tours Contact: Gunnison Pioneer Museum Date Designated: December 17, 1996

Smith opera house